Friday, October 25, 2019

This week flew by! Can you believe it is almost Halloween? We certainly cannot!

Since Monday was election day, we took it upon ourselves to have our own election for class president. Each class has a backup for those days where the president cannot make the weekly school council meeting. The students took some time to campaign and write their speeches.


Before campaigning, we talked about the qualities of a good leader and acknowledged that not all leaders are the best fit for the job.


Congratulations to Alex and Kristian for becoming our grade 3 class presidents! And congratulations to Orly and Silvan who become our class vice-presidents.

We continued to learn about geographical land regions and what they have to offer in Social Studies. This week we learned about India.

We love art in grade 3 and are very proud of our spooky silhouette art. Isn't it cool?

We write poetry every Wednesday and stuck with our spooky theme while writing Haikus.

We ended off our week with an invigorating pep-rally! Inferno made an appearance and he was a super big hit. We have four houses: Ospreys, Buzzards, Snowy Owls (Mrs. Sprau's class), and Nighthawks (Ms. Hardacre's class). The entire school population is divided into these four houses and we spend all year tallying up house points in competition to have our house name engraved on the school cup. The Nighthawks are currently in the lead!

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