Saturday, February 1, 2020


These are a few samples of the New Year's Resolutions ALL grade 3's wrote the first week back at school after the Winter break

Our new class novel is called Mr. Popper's Penguin

Before starting the book we sketched Emperor penguins in our visual journals.  They turned out FANTASTIC!  Take a look....

In Social Studies we have been talking about Quality of Life.  We have had really thought provoking conversations about what it means to have a good quality of life.  We also have compared OUR quality of life to those who live in Peru, Ukraine, India, and Tunisia.  The kids found a lot of similarities and some differences.
On Thursday the kids worked in partners on creating a collage around Traditions and Celebrations.  Their task was to choose one of the four countries, log onto learn alberta/culture grams and navigate through photos choosing ones that represent traditions and celebrations of their country. We will continue this project next week.

In Science we have started a new unit: Testing Materials and Building Things
We began the unit by having them explore with a variety of materials to build the tallest structure!  Fun was had by all.  It was interesting to see how each group worked differently with the exact same materials.

Grade 6 students came to our classrooms to share their puppet shows based on MINDFULNESS.  They were very well done and the grade 3's enjoyed hearing about how they made the puppets.  The puppet shows made for a good discussion around mindfulness.  Each child is working on a poster in Health on ways to be mindful and how to calm your mind down when it get's full.

At the end of the day on Thursday, all K-4 students gathered in the music room to hear stories about Chinese New Year.  Ms. Ling organized a wonderful presentation for the students.  Also our facility operator read a story in Chinese.  All students were engaged and left the room knowing a lot about Chinese New Year.


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