Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Dear Grade Three families,

Where did September go?
We have been so busy in grade 3 that it has come and gone in a flash.  Thank-you for being so patient with the start up of our Blog!  This blog is intended to give you a tiny glimpse into what is happening in the classroom.  We will be blogging every Friday featuring the weeks work.  SO.......



                                  ZENTANGLE ART
The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. ... Zentangle art is non-representational and unplanned so you can focus on each stroke and not worry about the result.

                                                  Canadian Hero..... TERRY FOX
Thank-you grade 3's for bringing in your TOONIES for TERRY! Your enthusiasm as you ran around Elboya field was heartfelt and inspiring. 

Math about Me Posters

The kids used number to represent information about themselves.  Math is everywhere!!!

What is life like in other countries? How are people in those countries like us? Your child will examine communities in India, Tunisia, Peru and Ukraine. They will explore how people live in these communities, gaining an understanding of the global community and Canada’s role within it.
Task 1
World Map: locating our four countries : Tunisia, India, Ukraine, and Peru

Unit: Animal Life Cycles
Students learn about the growth and development of animals and discover that different animals have different life cycles. By observing the life cycle of one small animal from its earliest stage to adulthood, students acquire a reference point for the study of other animals and come to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life. 

Thank-you for taking the time to look at our first blog post!  Stay tuned this Friday for the next post!  Have a great week!

Mrs. Sprau and Ms. Hardacre

1 comment:

  1. Good job everyone in Mrs sprau's class . keep doing the good work and stay warm. from Excevia's mom.
